SOUND HEALING - The Power of Sound in Health and Well-Being

Have you ever experienced the calming effects of music on your mood? If so, you've already experienced the power of sound to affect your body and mind. Sound healing takes this concept to a much deeper level, using specific sound frequencies and vibrations to promote physical , emotional and spiritual well-being.

“Imagine that the entire universe, everything we know, is created and sustained by sound. Also, imagine that you are a being composed of many tones. Its shape, movements, desires and motivations come from an inner concert. All you know and feel is sound. His concert is everywhere."- John Beaulieu (Book: Human Tuning)“

“Every organ, bone, and tissue in your body has its own resonant frequency. Together they form a composite frequency, a harmonic that is your personal vibrational frequency."- GOLDMAN, 1994, p. 20

“If you want to discover the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

But what is Sound Healing anyway?

Sound healing is the practice of using sound waves to improve health and well-being. It is based on the idea that sound vibrations can affect the organs, energy systems of the body and promote healing. Sound healing practitioners use various instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks, to produce sound waves that can be used to balance the body's organs, energy centers (the chakras), heal illness, and induce a state of relaxation.

How does Sound Healing work?

According to sound healing principles, everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency. When our bodies are out of balance, it could be due to energy blockages or imbalances in our energy centers, also known as chakras. Sound healing practitioners believe that using specific sound frequencies can help to unblock and balance these energy centers, resulting in better physical and emotional well-being.

Also, any type of frequency can help alleviate general pain and emotional issues, as well as improve your mind. However, some practitioners point to specific frequencies that can target and heal specific issues. Therefore, when the following frequencies are played, they can affect these organs, systems and diseases:

  • 586 Hz - Blood circulation and sexual organs

  • 492 Hz - Adrenal and Thyroid Glands

  • 330 Hz - Kidney

  • 198 Hz - Liver

  • 352 Hz - Bladder

  • 281.6 Hz - Small intestine

  • 220 Hz - Lung

  • 176 Hz - Colon

  • 330 Hz - Gallbladder

  • 117.3 Hz - Pancreas

  • 110 Hz - Stomach

  • 492 Hz - Spleen

SOURCE: Shanti Bowls

The Science Behind Sound Healing

While the concept of sound healing may seem mystical, there is scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Studies have shown that sound waves can affect the brain and alter brain waves, leading to a state of relaxation. Sound healing has also been shown to regulate the functions of diseased organs, damage cancer cells, help treat infections, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and increase feelings of peace and well-being.

Types of Sound Healing Techniques

There are many different types of sound healing techniques that practitioners use. Some common techniques include:

  • Singing bowl therapy: involves the use of singing bowls, which are metal bowls that produce a soft tone when struck.

  • Gong Bath: A Gong Bath is a sound healing session in which the practitioner strikes multiple gongs to create an immersive sound experience.

  • Tuning fork therapy: involves using tuning forks, which are metal rods that produce a specific frequency when struck, to balance organs and chakras (energy centers in the body).

  • Vocal Toning: involves using the voice to produce specific sounds and frequencies to promote healing.

  • Percussion: Involves using drums or other percussion instruments to produce rhythmic sounds that can induce a state of relaxation.

  • Specific frequencies: listen daily in ambient sound or through headphones the specific frequencies of healing and restoration of chakras and organs.

PS.: some websites and youtube channels offer sensational materials with the most varied frequencies for healing and restoring physical and mental health.

Altas Frequencias healing

Benefits of Sound Healing

There are many potential benefits to sound healing, including:

  • Reduction of stress and anxiety;

  • Improved sleep;

  • Increased sense of peace and well-being;

  • Strengthening the immune system;

  • Pain relief;

  • Promotion of deep relaxation.

Although sound healing is considered a complementary therapy, it is not a substitute for medical treatment and should not be used as such. If you are interested in using sound healing techniques, it is important to speak with a holistic therapist and find a trained professional.

Hope you enjoyed the content! Send messages if you have any questions.

Law of Attraction - Learn to conquer the life of your dreams

You've probably heard the phrase: You create your reality! And yes, that sentence is true. But do you really understand what that means and how this process takes place?!

Today's post is to remind you that you can be, do and have whatever you want. And that your experience in this life comes down to evolving and conquering all your heart desires. So, it's time to let go of any ideas that are currently preventing you from exercising your power... the power to conquer the life you've always wanted!

All human beings are creating their realities right now, some consciously, but unfortunately the vast majority are doing it unconsciously. Living their days on automatic, they wake up in a rush, go to their jobs, return to their homes, watch TV, use their cell phones and sleep to start all over again. The days, the weeks, the months, the years go by... and they don't even stop to realize THEIR OWN FEELINGS, perhaps not to wake up and be forced to see that they are simply going through life and are not actually LIVING.

But today I need to tell you a secret, a secret that can TRANSFORM your life: Our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world! I'll say it again: our outer world is simply a reflection of our inner world! And we radiate what we are through vibration, because our non-material language is vibration.

The basis of the universe is well-being! We human beings were created for a life of well-being. You came into this world to live your full physical fitness and use your creativity to have the life you want. And since the language of the universe is vibration, I tell you that you still don't live the life you want because you're not vibrating at the frequency of the life you want.

Our way of creating reality is through thoughts. Every thought that goes through our head on a daily basis generates a feeling, and every feeling emits a vibration. We have bad feelings that are low vibration and good feelings that are high vibration. Stop for a while and reflect: what feelings have been predominant in your life?! Are they feelings of tension, fear, sadness, apathy, guilt, laziness, shame, frustration, anger, boredom? If you answered yes, you need to renounce those feelings as soon as possible and replace them with feelings like love, peace, joy, gratitude, happiness and hope. Do you know why? Because these feelings drive your actions, and if you act on the basis of bad feelings, the result will fall far short of your potential.

To be prosperous you need to live feelings that vibrate prosperity. That is, you need to raise the frequency of your feelings. A prosperous life depends directly on your vibrational frequency! The flow of well-being from the universe is passing by you right now, all you need to do is simply allow that feeling of well-being to flow through you! Feel that well-being... be grateful for your life, be grateful for this opportunity given to you. Stop living on automatic!

Start noticing your feelings, because when you are aware of your feelings you can intentionally create your own reality. Make no mistake... there is no such thing as chance. The life you are living right now was built on the thoughts and feelings that dominated you from birth until now. But the life you will live tomorrow may be different! The life you will build from now on is in your hands. So choose your feelings better... change the way you face life and see life change in front of your eyes!

You are not the victim!
The first step to conquering the life you want is to admit that if you create your reality, the life you have today was exclusively your creation. You are not where you are because of the government, or because of your family, or because of some traumatic experience, but because of the way you chose to feel in the face of all the experiences that crossed your path until here and those feelings influenced EVERY decisions you've made so far. You are not the victim...when it comes to your are the author!

Always remember:

Thought generates feeling that generates action that generates results – What you think most of the time will define how you feel most of the time. These feelings in turn will motivate you to act and these actions will bring your results. So... take care of your thoughts because they are the ones that dictate the direction your life will take.

Like Attracts Like – To attract what you want, you need to feel the same way you would feel if you already had what you want. So try to look at life more optimistically. Fill your days with good feelings and inevitably your life will be filled with good things! Take a quiz. Start your days with the gratitude notebook. Upon waking up, take a few minutes to write down 5 reasons why you are grateful! Start your day, filling yourself with gratitude! One more day to make your dreams come true, one more day closer to the life you want!

What you focus on grows – So pay attention to what you want, not what you don't want. Focus on the life you want, not the fact that you don't have it. Pretend the life of your dreams is already here. Gradually you will realize life unfolding in a way that you conquer your dreams in the smallest details.

And finally, know that you will never reach the end of the journey, so enjoy the journey – With each goal achieved, a new desire will begin to be born. And that's the grace of life! So accept that desires will never stop flowing, and each new desire brings with it the potential for fulfillment. This is living!

Now get to work! The tools are there at your disposal. Live consciously always attentive to your thoughts and feelings. Because your tomorrow is being built NOW!